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My albino oscar I think has swollowed a rock, and my tiger oscars mouth is always open.

23 11:51:38


tiger oscar
I have an albino Oscar I purchased when it was still very small in November. I also purchased a Tiger Oscar at the same time. Since then the tiger Oscar has grown to be much much larger (about 9 inches). I've noticed since they have came home, that the tiger Oscar can not close his mouth. EVER!! He doesn't seem to have any  injuries. He always swims/eats with his mouth open. It is hard for him to eat because everything floats right back out. He is still growing to be large as he is 9 inches and larger than my albino. I was just wondering what could have or what is causing this and if there is anything that i could be doing to fix it?

My albino Oscar I am almost positive that he swallowed a rock. I noticed three weeks ago that it was swimming very funny. Sinking when it tried to swim, kept falling onto its side. I tried to watch for it to poop and he didn't for a about a week. When he finally did i noticed the blue/green tint to the poop and my rocks are blue. This is why i think he swallowed a rock. Since then he can swim better but is still not eating or pooping normal. I can also see its intestines are swollen up like something (the rock) is stuck inside of him. Is there any way to help him pass the rock?

I was also wanting to know how come my albino Oscar doesn't seem to be growing? Like I said I got both Oscars at the same time and the tiger Oscar is much larger      (9 inch) than the albino Oscar (3 inch). He didn't swallow the rock until 3 weeks ago so that couldn't have anything to do with it.   Please, please answer my questions as I went to the pet store and they seem to not know much of anything about these fish! I have more pics of both fich that i can send you. I could only upload one.

Try "Kanamycin"..this is a good medication for Swim Bladder.  Constipation is due to poor diet, which leads to constipation, then to Swim Bladder.  If cuaght in time, this  disease is curable.  Feed them cooked frozen peas, and remove the outer layer.  "Kanamycin" is sometimes hard to find.  If you cannot find it try "Tetracycline" or "Furan2"  It happens with Oscars, and Goldfish that they swallow a rock.  You will have to get this rock out. I wouldn't advise you to do this on your own, but if that rock does not pass, you will have to see a vet.  The poor thing is suffering.
The reason why the albino Oscar remained small is because his growth was stunted.  When kept in tanks too small for them, their internal organs have no place to grow, therefore, the Oscar stops growing.  If this is the case, he will get sick.  One Oscar needs a 60 gallon tank all to himself, Two Oscars a 120 gallon tank, and so on.  They need this space to be healthy, and happy.
Hope this helps