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Bettas/Siamese Fighters

23 14:02:42

I just got To bettas on the weekend 1 female and 1 male I'm worried about them they won't eat anything and the male's tank gets a little cloudy by the end of day i take the uneaten food out. When they do try to eat they just spit it back out like it's too big or something. I've tried Smaller pellets, but they just seem to ignore the smaller ones they seem to like the big darker coloured one and they completly ignore the freeze dried blood worms. What am i doing wrong?

Hi Jane,
 Think of it from the fish's point of view. They have suddenly been moved to a whole new world.  It often takes them days or even a week or more to start to feel good enough to eat.  Offer them just a tiny bit of food at first so that the rotting food does not pollute the water.  
Polluted water is very dangerous for a fish.

-- Ron
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