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fish dying/smelly tank

23 14:45:01

I have a 29 gallon freshwater tank that is 2-3 weeks old. I have 3 fish in it now that are alive and there is some sort of odor coming from the water. Why would this be? What can i do to help it? Also, i have been testing the water regularally and all levels have been ok. In the past week, 3 fish have died including the procathumus bottom feeder. I have been feeding them 2-3 times daily and the water temp is at 77. What could cause the fish to keep dying if all test leevels are ok?

Hi Greg,
 Only feed them once a day.  Do a 20% water change.  The problem is that the fish are producing waste (as they should) and there aren't enough "good" bacteria yet in the tank to break that waste down, so the level of ammonia is building up in the tank.  This initial period that a tank goes through, when the good bacteria build up is called "cycling a tank" and it takes about 6 weeks. During this period it is essential not to feed the fish very much, to do regular weekly partial water changes (of about 20%) and not to put too many fish in the tank.   

 After the six weeks, you should still do the weekly 20% water changes to keep the tank healthy.  

-- Ron
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