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bettas & frogs

23 13:56:00

Hi Nicole. I recently have moved my male betta into a 2.5 gallon tank with a heater but not a filter, because he was not doing well in my main tank. He was going all right at first, making bubble nests and dancing about, but recently he just stays completely still at the bottom of the tank and dosn't really eat his food.
I'm not sure, but is it because he is a bit lonely and wants more to do? I wanted to put in a female betta, but i heard the male will kill her, so what if i put 2 females? Also i heard about dwarf frogs, but how many should i put?
Please could you tell me what the option is? Or are there other solutions?

Hi Sam,
When a betta isn't eating, it it not a good sign.  An african drawf frog makes a good buddy for the betta.  They both require the same quality water.  Keep your water very clean. Never put in females, the betta will kill them or they will kill your betta.  It's hard to tell what is bothering your betta.  Do you feed him pellets?  Pellets are good for the betta, too much blood worms isn't should be given now, and then.  Before you buy a drawf frog, make a water change, and add 1 teaspoon salt, along with 2 drops of aquarisol...see if your betta is doing better...if not, maybe he is stressed from the change of decor.  Do you have a little silk plant that he can rest on?  You can buy them at the Pet Store, along with a little tunnel that bettas love to go through...these are not expensive, and it would be worth it.  Seeing as he is not showing any symptoms, we will have to wait, and see if this works, and if it doesn't get back to me.  We will try something else.
Hope this will help