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betta fish stays at top of tank

23 15:09:47

Hi Chris

Our office betta fish can only float at the top of the tank (not dead).
Before the weekend we changed him from a bowl into a bigger tank with filtration and a heater. We let the water sit for 48 hours before we put him in and the temperature was safe (80).He was swimming around fine all friday. We came in monday morning and he cannot reach the bottom of the tank he can only swim at the top.
Is there anything we can do or is he done in?

Hi Stacey;

He may have overeaten and is constipated. They can't digest their food that way so gas develops. Or, he has swallowed too much air with his food.

Feed him a cooked, cooled green pea squished from it's little round shell. Squish it into tiny chunks for him and feed a couple of times a day. This should help him get things "moving along" in his digestive system. If he will not eat peas, try a tiny piece of thawed frozen brine shrimp. Feed no other foods until he is acting normal again.

Let me know how it goes......

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Chris Robbins

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