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Ick, products and water changes???

23 14:53:26

Thanks.  I did want to try to get a better sense though of what I should contincue ot use in his water to get rid of the ich most effectively.  If I do a 20% water change tonight, should I add anything (other than the water conditioner) like aquarium salt or the Betta Fix?  I'm still using the Maracide to try to cure the Ick so I don't want to go nuts but I've read the salt helps them heal too and cuts down on secondary infections while they're in a weakened state.  The dosing is very confusing though.  

Followup To

Answer -
Hi Heather,
 In general, it is much better to change less than 50% of the water at one time to avoid shocking the fish.  I know from personal experience that bettas can take much larger water changes, but you are pushing your luck.  It would be best if you changed about 20-50% once a week rather than 100% once a month.

  Be sure that the water you put in is the same temperature as the old water (roughly to a degree or two, it doesn't have to be EXACTLY the same), and that it doesn't have chlorine in it.

 So, if I were you, I would do a 20% water change (try to get out the crud) today and then another one in a few days.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

Hi Heather,
 I am not a big fan of salt.  A lot of people use it but I'm not sure that it does anything good, particularly for fish like bettas which come from pure freshwater.  

 You should probably continue with the Maracide for now.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>