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2 fantail goldfish fish with swollen bellies

23 14:14:12

I purchased 2 goldfish the other day from the petstore....I thought that maybe they were ready to lay eggs which would have been neat to watch if they became fertile....but Im starting to wonder... the one swims upside down sometimes and they both tend to stay at the bottom of the tank! Ive only had them for a few days but is this normal behavior for a fish that is about to lay eggs or could something else be wrong?

Hi Jessica;

It definitely isn't normal for them to swim upside down. In new fish it is a sign of stress or a problem with the water. Make a water change right away. Change 25% of the tank water, being sure to use a water conditioner and that the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Your tank will need to get through the break-in period too and it is very hard on them. They may already be experiencing it's effects. More water changes are the answer until it passes. Here is a my web page about it to help you get your fish through these first few weeks;

The fish staying at the bottom of the tank is common with new fish or shy fish that have never been in anything smaller than a breeding pond or a store tank. It is important to give your goldfish enough room to really thrive. You didn't mention what size tank they are in but Goldfish are very messy guys that need at least 10 gallon per fish. Contrary to common belief they can't live in fish bowls or tiny tanks. They just get way too big (8 inches long or more) and need powerful filtration. Here is a web page about them;

Another possible problem is constipation. Goldfish are natural born gluttons and can develop swim bladder problems from constipation after overeating. The swim bladder controls buoyancy and is close to the digestive system so when a problem develops in their digestion, the swim bladder can become inflamed. Only feed them enough that they can consume all of their food from all areas of the tank in less than 5 minutes. Also give them cooked peeled peas, romaine lettuce, cucumber slices, cooked green beans or cooked shredded carrots in place of a regular meal 3 times a week. Goldfish are mostly vegetarian and the dried foods we feed them have far too much protein.

I hope they feel better soon. Let me know if you need more help...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins