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bala shark!

23 14:27:48

Hi dillon thanks for being of some assistence
i have beeen interested in buying and owning a bala shark and have been looking in the internet for information on the bala, for today i am going to petsmart and buying one. what do i need to have to contain my bala? is it friendly with other fish? and will i need to give it a partner, etc.

please answer my question
thank you!

Ok well if you want to get a bala shark here is what you will need to keep and maintain a bala shark tank. A heater rated for your size tank, an 80 gallon tank, gravel, a filter rated for your size tank, tropical fish food, light/hood, plants decor., and the fish. For a tankmate i would suggest just getting two bala sharks because fish seem to do better in pairs. An 80 gallon tank can hold the bala sharks for their entire life so you won't have to worry about bigger tanks. If you can't have that big of a tank you could just get one bala and a 55 gallon tank. I hope everything goes well.

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