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Very sick betta

23 11:47:33

QUESTION: Hello. I noticed my daughters betta had pop-eye a little over a week ago, I went to petco got some betta fix as they requested and put in about a tablespoon every day (by the way the betta is in a 2.5 gallon tank). I saw absolutely NO improvement and I did further research stating that maracyn-2 or amphicillin would be a better medication for him. About a week has passed after the recognition of pop-eye and now i see he has a swollen belly :( and his fins arent as perky anymore. He's very lethargic and barely eats. :(

I've officially accepted the fact that he has dropsy, pop-eye, possible gill disease (because he's always at the top gasping for air), and fin rot. I've been giving him maracyn-2. The dosage was quite challenging at first as he's only in a 2.5 gallon tank and the packets can treat 10 gallons...i just dnt know what to do next.

He's such a strong fishy..every morning i get up I see he's still holding on. Since the maracyn treatment he takes small bites of food but not much. It's a huge improvement from before when he ate nothing.

I know you cant continue maracyn2 for long periods of time but i read that if he isnt getting any better you can treat again for another 5days...just give him a break in between. He's currently on his 4th day of treatment.

I've read so much, and everyone has so many opinions I just dnt know what to do anymore. I was thinking of changing his meds to amphicllin as i heard its a much better anti-biotic than maracyn-2, i was gonna get him some aquarium salt and un-thawed frozen peas for food. Can i possibly give him can-peas?

I know I've bombarded you with so much, but I want to do everything I can to save him, since its pretty much our fault that he's sick. He used to be so active and he became very sick so fast. :(

Your response is GREATLY appreciated.
Be blessed


Poor Betta, he is in bad shape.  Betta fix, is a very weak medication, and not suited for what your betta now has.  
Change his water completely, and wash everything well with hot or warm water.  Fill it up again with the same temperature he is in, always using a good water conditioner such as stress coat, or aquaplus.  Can peas are not very good for your betta as they have salt in them.  Frozen peas are best.  Cook the pea for 2 minutes, and remove the outer layer.  Cut the pea into tiny pieces, and try feeding the pieces to your Betta, one piece at a time, making sure that none fall to the bottom.
Do not add salt to his tank at this time.  No salt should be added  with Swim Bladder Disease.
Buy Kanamycin which is good for Swim Bladder, but it is sometimes hard to find.  Amphicillin is very good too.  Never overdose.  Treat him with this new medication, and hopefully he will pull through.
Fin rot is usually caused by poor water conditions.  Change all the water in his tank every week, or twice a week.  The medication mentioned above should help him with Swim Bladder, Fin Rot, and Popeye.
Do not feed him anything else but the pea for two days.  He must clean out his system.  When he is better feed him small amounts, and vary his diet.  He should have Betta Pellets one day, Betta flakes the next, Daphnia the next, bloodworms the next, and one pea every week, and on the day you feed him the pea, he should have nothing else to eat on that day.
Feed him small amounts 2-3 times daily.  Example...2 pellets for one meal.  We must always remember that his tummy is the size of his eye.
I hope this will help him, and that the little man will get better.
If you have anymore questions, do not hesitate to write me.  I breed them, and love them.
Good Luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


My goodness your quick! Thank you soo much for your fast response. Im a little confused with something, is swim bladder disease the same as dropsy? I'm changing his water quite frequently since he's been sick and I've always added water conditioners and tap water treatments. I also have one of those ph and nitrate readers but im unsure of what it should read.

I will not add salt at this time, will order the amphicillin as i cant find it anywhere in stores, and will give him some frozen peas.

Thank you

Swim Bladder Disease is caused by constipation, and poor diet which leads to Swim Bladder.  This is why giving him a pea every week is good for him, and prevents this disease.  You can see if your betta has SBD by looking at his tummy.  If his tummy is swollen, then it is SBD.  SBD is curable if caught in time.  His tummy is located just under his chin.  If left untreated, it could lead to Dropsy.
Researchers can not agree on what causes Dropsy.  Some say it is caused by food which is outdated, or live foods such as black worms... foods that burden the liver.  It is often caused by stress which is the result of some other disease.  The disease destroys the liver mucus membrane and causes ulceration.  The liver is damaged and eventually destroyed, and numerous other problems may occur.  When you see that your Betta has raised scales, this usually indicates that he has Dropsy.  It is very infectious.  There is no cure for Dropsy unfortunately.  
To get good medication, I have to go to the vets here in Canada as the Pet Stores are not allowed to sell it, which is ridiculous.  My Pharmacist will give me the right medication, as he knows me well, and as fish of his own.  Maybe your pharmacist could help you with this also.  I'm trying to think of a way to get the medication faster, as time isn't on your side.
Keep his water very clean, and feed him the pea, hopefully he will waste, and that would be great.
I hope he does make it...with good medication he should.