Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > HELP! BETTA!


23 13:55:56

hey Lynda,

I've had my male betta for about 1 yr. Recently this funny cottony blob has appeared on his forehead and turned into a lump. The cotton has spread over his eye ( looks like it has) and he is breathing very deeply and he doesn't move around any more. Before he used to be very energetic. I'm very scared because I'm worried he might only have acouple of days left. Today I came home from school and noticed this white thing ( almost like a bread crumb) stuck under his lip. I have no idea what is wrong with my betta. I love my little Lychee and I pains me to see that he might be suffering. I clean his tank regularly and it is spotless, with many decorations and hiding places. I feed him pellets every 2nd day. He lives in a 6.7 ltr tank. He does not have a heater, and my mom thinks that she is the expert and he doesn't need on,lol. My house is normally about 70 degrees f, so I'm guessing that is what his water is like. PLEASE, PLEASE , PLEASE HELP ME! I am soooooo worried about Lychee and I would hate to see him die like this. Do you have any idea what is wrong with him? Should I get a heater?



Hi Hayley,
You must act fast or you will lose you betta.  He has a fungal disease.  Make sure your water does not have any ammonia in a major water change 80%.  A betta will be cold in 70 degree water, and will not survive if he is not kept in 78 - 80.  At 70 degrees he is living a miserable cold life. (Sorry to contradict your Mom)  Just google the betta, and you will see lots of information concerning his habitat. It's a wonder the pet store didn't tell you this.  You will have to buy Jungle Fungus Cure as quickly as possible...follow the instructions...and hopefully you will save your betta.
Hope this helps