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Will the tail grow back?

23 14:59:37

I recently brought home two pink kissing fish.  One was dead the next day and the tail was gone.  A couple weeks later I got another one.  I noticed some other fish chasing it around the tank.  Now a little piece of the tail is gone.  I don't know the name of the other fish.  I'm somewhat still new at this.  Will the tail grow back?  The one mean fish doesn't seem to pick on any of the other fish.

Hello Rene,

Sorry about the loss of your fish.
Pink kissing gouramis are pretty peaceful fish, so unless you have two males, I don't think having two kissers in the same tank would be a problem.

To help your injured fish's tail to heal properly, be sure that the water in your tank is very clean to prevent infection. Change about 25% of the water at the end of each week, if you can. Adding some medicine to the water will also help the tail to grow back. Mela Fix is a good choice.

As long as your tank is not over-crowded, your fish should establish a "pecking order" and the tail nipping should hopefully stop. If you are still concerned, you could always remove the bully fish for a period of time and then re-introduce him.

Hope your little one heals up soon!
-Amber Worman