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Fish help please!!!!!!

23 14:03:48

I have a 14 gallon tank.My fish include A male Bettea,3 glo fish,Rainbow shark, and albino sucker fish.and about 6 live plants. they all got ick so i went to the store today to get ick away along with melafix and stress coat. Now I put what the bottle told me to put in the tank i put all three things in there because of the ick and some scales falling off or injured on my betta. How long am i supposed to put the treatment in the tank I'm I supposed to put this in the water daily? and do i have to remove my live plants out of the tank? wont they still have the ick? And I keep my tank at any where from 76F-80F and my hood light on my i get home from work. Off befor I go to bed. I feed them flacks and bettea food twice a day. And im not to sure on how to clean my tank.  Bought a gravel vacuum to help instead of doing a top 25 water change to a bottom 25 to 50 water change with no waste. Am I doing all this wrong my first tank? IS  it to mush medicine in there at one time?

When it comes to medicine, just follow the directions exactly on the packaging, and make sure there are no warnings for plants or invertabraes if you happen to have any. Your plants should be fine.
Just continue to treat your fish up until 3 days after they seem to have recovered. Also, it helps if you raise the temperature - you want to do this very slowly so as not to shock the fish - because ich tends to fall off the fish in warmer water, and it'll be easier for your fish to survive. (around 85 degrees F)
I definitely would add some aquarium salt to help your fish recover faster, and also to help prevent ich in the future.
Last, but not least, your rainbow shark is going to grow too large for a 14 gallon tank. You'll want to upgrade to a 30 gallon within the next year.
I would also do some research on your pleco (so called "sucker fish") as well, most grow to be around 2 feet long, and will require a tank of 55 gallons or more!
In the future, to prevent introducing any kind of illness into your tank, you can soak your plants in a ten percent bleach, 90 percent water solution, then rinse off VERY well before adding them to your tank. It's not a bad idea to have a quarantine tank as well, for sick fish and/or new fish.