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My Betta Fish Isnt Eating

23 14:44:22

I got my Betta fish for Christmas and people say it takes 2 days for them to settle in but 3-4 days now that I have it. It has eaten 2 little food flakes in 3-4 days. My fish is small but I take the best care I can of it. The water is room temperature always. So if you could please help me that would be really helpful. Thanks.

Some fish take more  time to eat than others; I wouldn't worry at this early stage. If he continues not to eat flake food, feed him bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia to keep him going.
I assume he is in a 7 gallon plus tank with adequate filtration? If you got the tank as well on Christmas day, it will not have cycled, which is necessary for healthy fish. I would buy some water test kits (nitrite, ammonia, pH) and check the ammonia and nitrite are both 0.0. If not, even if it is 0.1, do regular 30 percent water changes until it is down.
Good luck,