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Tiger Shark??

23 11:44:15


Tiger Shark
Hey Will!
I'm a newbie with aquariums. I bought 2 pairs of "tiger shark" (that's what the shop keeper claims it's called) and a tropical sucker fish. I don't know the gallons my aquarium can take - its length measures 14.5 inches; the breadth measures 9 inches and the water level's at approximately 12 inches. I also have a decent water filter and an air pump that are functioning almost all the time. I even put around 4 teaspoons of rock salt while setting up the aquarium (around a week back). Now, the problem is:
    Are there small varieties of 'tiger sharks' of around 4 inches as what my shopkeeper claims? coz' when i googled this name I saw much larger sharks and they didn't even look like the ones I have!!! (I've got 2 pink 'tiger sharks' and 2 silver ones). I have been feeding them around 2 times daily as they dont seem to be eating the blood worms at all! Is it that they eat them when it settles on the floor?? They seem to be very active though and very playful.
    Just today (around an hour back) one of the silver sharks died; he was quite active all day and then suddenly started acting like he's got fits! he started jumpin out of the aquarium for sometime like a crazy maniac and then just stopped moving!!! I understand that this happens initially when the aquarium's been set-up lately due to the new aquarium syndrome, but is it normal for a fish to die like that ??

Please let me know if there's any other food I could give the sharks as well?

I know this question's REALLY long n stuff but I really love fish n I'm sure you'd understand how you felt when u were a 1st timer. :)

TC ....

Congrats on the new tank!

Personally, I never use salt of any kind in my freshwater tanks. the salt can hurt the gills of the fish you have and that is why I think that one fish died.

Tiger sharks are saltwater and those are not them. Those are iridescent sharks. I always hate telling people this especially because it isn't their fault (usually). the sharks are classified as a monster fish, meaning they grow quickly, eat lots, and grow over 3' long.

I would take them back to the store you got them from and return them. pick out some more fish you like and i'll tell you  about them before you buy them so you don't run into the same problem.

Sorry your 1st experience wasn't quite ideal,