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Parachromis dovii female rotting lip

23 11:37:43


Parachromis dovii fema
I just purchased a Parachromis dovii female months ago and I was recently feeding him krill. I had noticed a piece of krill had gotten stuck in between his lips. I started noticing swollen lips, but it had looked much better for about two days. Then about a week later he looks like his lips are rotting and two nostril-type thing are sticking out in between his eyes. I have a 30 gallon tank. I can send you a picture of him. I would really like you to help me because i don't want this fish to die he has magnificent colors and a great personality.

Hi Erick,
The Devil Cichlid grows to be very big. He will eventually need a 250 gallons tank, with good filtration.  He is one of the most aggressive fish on the market, and should be kept alone.  He should have rocky formation, PH of 7.0, and clean water.
Check your water for ammonia, and nitrites.  This is the most important thing to do right now.  Ammonia, and nitrites are the number one killer of fish.  If you have ammonia or nitrites in your water, you must get rid of it before you treat your fish.  Depending on the ammonia or nitrite level, you will have to do water changes.  One water change of 50%, and everyday after this of 20%.  You must get rid of this poison.  Once your water chemistry is right, then you must treat him with an antibiotic.  Do not treat him until your water chemistry is right, the medication will not work.  Add 4 teaspoons of diluted aquarium salt to your water.
Penicillin would be my choice to cure this fish.
You should also give him a varied diet.  Pellets are very good for him, and a good quality flake.  You could also feed him worms that you buy at the bait store, and that you clean.  To clean the worms, put them in oats for a week or so.  Regular minnows that you buy at the bait store would be a good source of food for him.  Never feed him feeder fish.  Feeder fish are almost always full of disease, and they have no nutritional value.  Once a week, you should feed him blanched frozen peas.  This is so he can clean out his system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease.  Swim Bladder Disease is due to constipation which often goes unnoticed.
I hope the little guy pulls through, but you will have to consider getting him a much bigger tank.