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29 Gallon Aquarium Stocking?

23 11:42:17

I have a 29 gallon tank that has been up and running for a year now, currently stocked with one male betta & 2 otocinclus. It is full of tons of hiding spaces, and has some live java fern, I will be getting more plants in the future. The water has a 1/2tsp of aquarium salt per 2 gallons and is kept around 78F. So my question is, what would be some fish I could add to my tank (preferably cheap under $2-$4 each). I was thinking about cories, danios, otos, and platies. Would they be compatible w/ my male betta? He chased the otos somewhat when I first added them, but he has mellowed out a lot now.
I was thinking of adding
-2 more otocinclus (I had 4 before in another tank and they were a lot more playful in a larger group)
-4 albino or peppered cories
and either
10 zebra danios
6 zebra danios
4 female platies
6 female platies
What would be best?
Thanks in Advance!! =D

Hi Danielle,
This is a good choice.  These fish should get along with your betta.  However, bettas all have different personalities, some are more willing to accept tankmates than others.  There is no guarantee that he will get along.  The zebras are fast moving fish, and they should help keep the betta's mind off aggression.  Normally, these fish do well together.  I would prefer 6 zebra danios, and 4 female platies.  Do not add all of these fish at once because your water chemistry would change.  Add two platies, and wait one week.  Do a 25% water change, and check your water for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.  If your ammonia level is zero, or safe, and your nitrite level is zero, or safe, and your nitrates are low, then add two more fish, and so on, until you have purchased them all.  It is better to go slowly, and not cause death to your fish.  It is so important to keep your water chemistry safe, and not overstock your tank.