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baby mickey mouse platies

23 14:28:44

My husband and I have a 38 gallon tank with 2 angles, 1 blue gourami, and some black tetras?, and we started out with 2 mickey mouse platies but now it seems that our female has started to have babies and there seems to be no end in sight when she will stop. she had about 10-12, then this time it seems that she has had at least 20. on the first go around some were eaten by the bigger fish on the tank, but the last ones she had seem to be doing fine. The tank is well established and its very well planted, How often will she have babies? Is it safe for her to keep having them as often as she does? There was only a time span of a couple of months between the two Sets of frye that shes had. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Ashley;

Platies and other livebearers can have babies every 30 to 60 days. It's quite normal. Keep the tank very clean so she has a better chance of staying healthy. It will make all your fish stronger and your babies grow faster. Replace 25% of the water and vacuum the gravel every week.

If you get too many babies, ask your local fish store if they will take them. Some stores give you a little bit of store credit in exchange. Have fun watching those little guys grow!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins