Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > male beta.. dieng?

male beta.. dieng?

23 14:28:43

i got him 2 days ago, and he doesnt move alot, only when u touch the bowl.. even then it hardly moves, and i havnt seen it eat at all.. is it guna die ?:(

its like hes a crackhead if i really shke the bowl  

Hello Louis-

Your betta is probably way too cold. If you're keeping him in a bowl, chances are you don't have a heater or a lamp to warm the water. Contrary to what pet stores may tell you, bettas are tropical fish and need their water to be at least 75 F (preferably 80 F.) When their water temperature gets really cold (especially since it's summer and you probably have the air conditioner on) bettas stop moving and may die.

So, if you'd like to save your fish, try heating up the water with a desk lamp or a heater. If you've got the water heated already, please write back with your betta's conditions so I can try to figure out the problem.

-Amber Worman