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cat fish

23 11:51:22

I got one of those female brisslenose catfish, when I bought a second hand tank. It's about 5 inches long. I was planning on getting a pair to breed. Now that I got this one I was wondering, "Will it breed with a male that is smaller then her or will I have to find a bigger male?" Thank you, Amy

Hi Amy,
You will have to find one the same size, as small Bristlenose catfish are impossible to identify as male or female.  They should be put in a 15 gallon aquarium.  The eggs will have a yellowish or orangy colour.  Once the eggs are laid, you will have to remove the female.  The male looks after the eggs fanning them until they hatch.  Once they hatch, he will still look after them, often pushing them back into the place where they were born.  You should have wood in your tank.  Bogwood, or driftwood, as this is part of the bristlenose diet.  They must have wood in their tank.  
When they have finished eating the egg yolk, you must feed them blanched lettuce as their first food.  When they are free swimming, feed them baby brine shimp.  Water changes should be made everyday to avoid ammonia build up, and the fry should be fed 4 times a day.   Once they are free swimming, you may remove the male.
Hope this helps