Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Fred, my beta

Fred, my beta

23 13:55:18

Fred has now been in my care since September 2003.  He has survived slipping into the side of the sink with the garbage disposal, being carefully retieved and put back in his bowl.  Another entry on your site talked about something like a seizure.  Perhaps a year and a half Fred dropped like a rock to the bottom of his vase with barely any gill movement or fin activity.  I took him out put him in small container and blew gently in a straw to keep him moving.  In about half an hour he started swimming normally. He shows no visible signs of slower movement or difficulty of movement or even loss of color. The question is what may have caused the episode?  Someone suggested I performed fish CPR.  Is that possible?  And, this is not a "fish story"  Any information would be helpful.

Hi Judy;

It may indeed have been a sort of "fishy CPR". He may have had some kind of a seizure and suffered a loss of oxygen to his brain for a moment, just enough for him to "pass out". You might consider adding a very small air pump and air stone to give him a few bubbles all the time, just in case it happens again. Whatever it was, I'm glad you still have Fred with you. He's a lucky fish to have you as his friend...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins