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White chin on new betta

23 15:01:10

Hi Chris,
Please help my new betta.  I just got him from the pet store two days ago.  He is dark blue but has a little white chin that looks suspicous.  The white has traveled a little upward towards his mouth.  I just buried a betta that developed the same type of white chin. I've got him wrapped with a towel around his bowl and started the betta fix this morning.  I put a lamp over his bowl to keep him warm.  He still has his fins spread open but he is jerking around like he's itchy. He also is lying down at the bottom of the bowl and is anti-social.  What in the world is wrong with him?
Thanks for your response.

Hi Joan;

Poor little guy. You are certainly doing everything you can. There are other medications that may work better though. BettaFix doesn't usually cure infections, just helps heal wounds and supports regrowth of fins and tissue. Try a product for fungus such as Fungus Eliminator. These products often take care of the problem quite well.

Also be sure to keep his water very clean. Clean water and a good water conditioner will go a long way in treating and preventing disease. Change his bowl at least once a week.

It's possible the disease the other fish had was still in there for the new one to become infected. Here is a link to a site on how to sterlize a betta bowl if there has been illness;

Another on betta diseases in general;

Scroll down and read both of the above pages there is great info there.

I hope he feels better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins