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algae eater sucking on my other fish

23 13:56:41

hello i have a algae eater that trying to suck on my big fish will this hurt them ? what to do?

Hello Dale,
It is possible. I have seen golden algae eaters suck scales right off of gourami's before, so I do know you may have to separate them. However, as far as I know they are only trying to get the algae off of the other fish. It is possible that either A) There is not enough algae in the tank, and so the fish is starving and must eat the minuscule amounts of algae on your other fish, or B) The fish are actually trying to help each other in a way, which is not so strange, as there are species of small fish in the ocean who cling to sharks in a similar fashion and keep them clean. If you do not feed your algae eater one tablet at least every two days, then the first option is more likely - especially if there is no visible algae in the tank.
If you do notice any scales missing from your fish, you are going to need to set up two tanks in order to save your bigger fish.
P.S. A fun tip, you can also feed your algae eater thin slices of cucumbers or steamed zucchinis, they love it!