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cichlid compatability

23 11:58:53

I have a 90 gallon tank with 4 red zebras 1 male electric blue ahali 2 female electric blue ahali 1(I think electric blue johani) i 3 inch firemouth 1 cat fish and 1 algaie eater.  I would like to put a pair of young sulfurcrest lithobates in this tank.  Will they be compatible? I eventually want to breed them.  Thankyou.

Hi Tina,
Hopefully they should get along.  It is always a chance to take when adding African Cichlids to a tank.  I cannot guarantee it, but they should.
African Cichlids are territorial and aggressive when spawning.  You would have to get 3 females for the male, as he would run down your female.  This is a rule with many fish.  The more females the better.  Males fight for females, so it is better to just have one.
Feed your fish well before, and after the spawn.  
Before putting them into your tank, I would change the decor so that the other fish, will be less territorial.  While busy finding a new home, they will be less aggressive towards the newcomers.  This always helps when adding African Cichlids to a tank.  Change the rocks around, and add some.
Hope this helps, and good luck with breeding!