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suprise fish! (me again)

23 11:42:41

Hey! Today I was out for a little while and I came home and found a ten gallon tank with a baby betta in it! My sister had gotten it for me because she knew how much I missed my other little fish. I know you had helped me with cycling the tank, but is it different if you have a fish in the water already? (I hadn't been expecting to do it with one). So far I have a ten gallon tank, a filter that came with it, a temperature sticker, a fake plant, food pellets and bloodworms (that probably need replaced), and a small house for him to hide in. I know there are more things I need (like the ph and ammonia/nitrate tests) but I don't want to forget something.

Hi Ellen,
Since the Betta is now in your new tank, you must do 25% water changes every 2-3 days until your water has cycled.  Buy a used sponge that fits your filter like I have told you.  Squeeze out the access water, and put the used sponge in your filter.  It would also be a good idea to get a handful of gravel from an established tank.  Pet shops, will usually give you a handful of gravel.  You will have to buy the used sponge.  
Another way to do this would be to put your betta in another bowl or small tank until your tank has cycled.  A small one gallon bowl, where you would change all the water twice a week would do for a while ...until your new tank is ready.  Always use a good conditioner such as Srress Coat when changing water.  Little bettas are sensitive to water chemistry, so it might be better to remove him from the new tank, put him into a one gallon bowl, and wait until your water chemistry is right.  Always make sure the water temperature is the same.
Add 2 teaspoons of diluted aquarium salt to your ten gallon tank.  If you put him in a bowl while waiting for your tank to cycle, add about 1/4 teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt everytime you change his water.  This helps with stress, and parasites.
Once your water chemistry is ammonia, zero nitrites, and nitrates are low, then you could put him into your ten gallon tank.  Acclimate him well.  Take your time, and let him float in a bag for 15 minutes, adding water to the bag every 5 minutes for about a half an hour, so that he is well acclimated to the new water in your tank.  The cycling may take up to three weeks.
Once he is well acclimated, wait a few days, and buy a heater.  Bring the temperature up very very slowly,,,(ONE) degree every two days until you reach 78-80 degrees.  This must be done very slowly or it will cause death to your betta if the temperature of his tank is raised too quickly.
He will love his new home!  Check your food, make sure it is not outdated.  Vary his food.  Bettas should have variation in there food, and don't forget to give him one cooked frozen pea a week cut into tiny pieces.  Feed him the pieces one at a time, making sure he eats it, and do not feed him anything else on that day.  This way you will avoid, Swim Bladder Disease that bettas are prone to.  The pea helps them clean out their system.  Buy him different foods as you go along.  You do not need to buy him all the food at once, but a good variation is a good way to keep him healthy, and free of disease.  Betta Pellet, Daphnia, Betta flakes, Plankton flakes, bloodworms, glassworms, and brine shrimp are all good food for him.  Do not overfeed him.  Feed him 2-3 times a day in small amounts...example:  2 flakes for one meal, or 2 pellets for one meal.  Feed him one food one day, a different food the next, and so on.  Always remember that his tummy is the size of his eye.  
When you water is perfect, do 25% water changes every week to make sure you keep the water chemistry right, and check every week with your test kits to make sure.  Add diluted aquarium salt to the amount of water you change.
Please let me know how he is doing, and if you have anymore questions, do not hesitate to write me.  I am only too happy to help, and I am very happy that you now have a new friend.  Knowing that he is young, you will enjoy his company for a long time!