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white spots on platy

23 13:57:51

Hi,  I have 6 platys, and 2 neon tetras.  Today I noticed almost all the fish have white spots on them.  the tank is established,  the platys I have had for 4 weeks.  What are the spots, and how do I treat it?  Thanks,  Tara

It is called Ich.

It is a very serious infection and will kill all the fish that have it if not treated. Luckily, it is fairly easy to get rid of.

There are three things you need to do to get rid of it.

1) Go to your pet store and by an ich remover. My favourite is API Super Ich Cure. Follow the instructions on the package.

2) Add about a tablespoon of aquarium salt for every 10 gallons.

3) Raise the temperature (very slowly so you don't stress the fish) to 82F
