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Discus and Co2

23 11:12:09

Hi Ron,
I am an avid freshwater fish-keeper and I'm about to set up a 60 gallon tank that I'll use for breeding (but have an Iwagumi layout). I was just thinking that maybe before I begin breeding, I'll have a school of discus. Could you tell me if they do/don't require Co2, and on the difficulty scale, are they "easy, intermediate, or advanced" to breed? (I would be an intermediate) Thanks for your help,

Hi Katharina,
  I am not quite sure by what you mean when you say "before I begin breeding, I'll have a school of discus".  As with most cichlids, the best way to get a pair is to start with six individuals and let them choose partners.  

  They absolutely do not require CO2.  No fish requires CO2.  Plants might require CO2 but CO2 is toxic to fish. Fish require oxygen.  

  On the difficulty scale they are intermediate. Discus are very susceptible to various diseases and that is what makes them a bit of a challenge to keep and breed.   It is absolutely essential that you start with good quality discus.  If you start with discus in poor shape, it will not end well.  

-- Ron C.
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