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Extremely Bloated Betta fish, Treatment

23 15:09:04

My daughters male ( I guess) bright red and large betta fish has been swolen to mammoth preportions just behind the gills.  We have had him since March this year.  The bulge on one side is so far protruding that it seems that you can see right into him at the center of the swelling.  The other side is more spread out.   He has been this way for 5 or 6 weeks and has not responded to the pea treatment, Maracyn 1 or 2.   He has water in the correct ranges and has had a couple full tank changes and gets a partial 1/3 or so each week with a teaspoon of aquarium salt. There is no sign of pineconing whatsoever and coloration is good.
 Tank 2.5 gallon with no other fish
 Temp, 70-75F ( has unregulated heater so it was shut down for the summer because it made things too hot)
 Filter system, standard cartridge type that came with tank.
 This fish acts completely normal in all respects other than suffering from the same aerodynamic issue an overweight person does. This has stumped me and all the advice that I have been able to find is useless so far.   I am going to start giving him the twice a day aquarium salt bath ( 1 tbspn per 1 gallon water) treatment.    Is there any other things I could be missing here?

Hi Drizler;

I wouldn't use the salt anymore. It can actually increase bloating and water retention. Instead, try Epsom Salts. (The same stuff from the drug store you put in water to soak your feet in). Just 1/16 teaspoon in your 2.5 gallon can help absorb the fluid into the tank water, if that is what the swelling is from. Also, raise the temperature to 82 degrees. Bettas are tropical fish and their immune systems can't work properly in temperatures below 75. They can be in 78 all the time, but higher is better when they are sick.

It is also possible the fish has a tumor. I hope it isn't but there really isn't any more you can do. Just keep trying and hopefully he will feel better.

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Chris Robbins

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