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My fish has got a cloudy eye

23 14:49:59

Hi 3 weeks ago i brought a 60 litre bio orb tropical tank, we had the tank for a week before adding fish. we had 4 Platy fish 2 red and 2 spotted , one of the red platy has developed a cloudy eye on its left side, it did not have this when we brought it. it was a lively fish it now tends to sit at the bottom of the tank for a while and then it will suddenly swim off. Please can you tell me what is causinh the cloudy eye and is there anhything i can do? Kerry

Hi Kerry,
 The most common cause of cloudy eye is that it results from another fish biting that fish in the eye.  When one fish wants to get at another fish, the first thing it does is bite it in the eye because the eye is so sensitive.  The good news is that if the fish with the cloudy eye is left alone for a few weeks, the eye often heals completely.

-- Ron
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