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Im going to be honest with you here

23 11:42:26

Hi Lynda. I'm going to be honest with you here, though the children are well behaved and give me no trouble, I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can get through this.
Danielle. All my fish say hello.

Hi Danielle,
We are only human, and can do so much.  When our minds, and bodies say it is too much, then it is.  You don't need to apologize, or feel bad.  There is lots of help when a man is in this situation.  Caregivers who do this kind of work find it difficult, so imagine someone who has never done this before.  Looking after children, and soon him too, is a big commitment.  You should talk this over with members of his family or his doctor.  His doctor will give you a list of places to turn to for help.  If he has brothers, and sisters, they too should help, and not count on you.  This may seem a little harsh, but the fact is that you will get sick if this situation keeps on, and it might for a long time to come.  You are young, have a life to live, so please do not put any blame on yourself, and seek help for his children.  When he returns home from the hospital, he will have help.  The doctors will see to this.  Nurses will go to his home, and he can also have his meals brought in for him, and the children.  Do not worry, everything will turn out fine.  If he hadn't met you, he would have had to get help, so my dear friend, you think of yourself right now, and do what you know you should do.