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Cotton Mouth in my Tropheus Moori?

23 14:27:48

Today I bought 4 tropheus mooris.  One has white around the upper & lower lips which I think looks like cotton mouth.Is there a picture of cotton mouth I could see?  Is it a contangious disease? How do I treat it or should I return the infected fish to the dealer?

A different tropheus has 2 white spots on the dorsal fin which has me worried as well.
Thank you for your help,

Oh, sorry it took so long for me to answer, i havent had internet for a while.

It sounds like it could be velvey.

I think its "aquarium pharmecuticals" that makes a product called "cuppramine". It kicks velvets butt. I used it when my severum had a little bit of velvet, and it cleared up in a day or two. Remove all carbon from your filter before doesinig, and then use .

Also, do the two  white spots look like ick?

Let me know how it goes, and dont forget to rate!
