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3 gallon tank

23 14:36:41

I have bettas,angelfish,and cichlids in various tanks around the house. My son recently gave me a small 3 gallon tank and I would like to know what kind of freshwater fish other than bettas would do well in such a small tank.

Hey Lynette,

If i were in your position, I'd use the 3 gallon as a hospital tank. But, if you're set on a new glow of swimmers, consider guppies or aquatic frogs. Endler's livebearers are tiny (about half an inch) and are bright orange and silver. One male and his female would fair well in a tiny tank with good light, a java fern, and a small whisper filter. African Dwarf Frogs are cute little critters too, whom will do excellent in a tiny tank. 3-5 will fit well in there too, just keep a bit of a dense plant in there to help cope with stress. They're sensitive to ammonia as well, so keep tabs on the water.

Best of luck and hope this helps! if neither of those suit your bill, check out khuli loaches, rope fish, and other eel like creatures! They're quite amazing too.