Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my pet eel ferdinand...=[

my pet eel ferdinand...=[

23 14:14:27

my pet eel ferdinand is sick looking..i have recently taken him away from his other habitat aka the goldfish tank on my desk and i have an oxygen tank to keep him alive..i can you help me on what to the moment..11:38 PM on DEC. 2, 2007 he is on his back and i know he is normally hyper and not on his!! this is a death or death sos!! can you help me nurse him back to health..and get my poor ferdinand off his back..immediately!! =[

Hi Theresa,
  Unfortunately from here it is impossible for me to know what is wrong with him. I assume that you have him in water around 80oF, and the water is clean?   Does he have any bite marks on him from tankmates?

-- Ron
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