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My pet female siamese fighting fish,betta,

23 10:59:54

Hi. I have a Female Siamese fighting fish named Roza, that I just recently bought and she isn't doing so well. She is just laying at the bottom of her tank barely moving her fins at all. I'm really worried about her she also hasn't come up for air in a while. I don't have one of the things that moves air through the water yet so this really has me concerned. I have tried to feed her thinking that it would lure her to the top of the tank but it didn't work.
Please help!
Thank you,

Hi Melissa,
 Sometimes it takes a while for a fish to feel at home in a new tank.  The most important thing is not to leave uneaten food in the tank.  If she doesn't eat the food within a couple of minutes, be sure to remove it.  Otherwise, it will rot and foul the water.  It is a good idea to change some of the water every few days.  You need to change at least 25% of it once a week, every week.  

-- Ron C.
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