Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Sick Gourami

Sick Gourami

23 11:24:59

QUESTION: I have a neon blue dwarf gourami that I have had for almost a year. I have never had any issues with him. Over the last week or two he has become very shy, which is not normal.  He is usually very friendly.  He is usually a pretty ferocious eater, but his appetite has slowly been decreasing and he hides in the house I have for him.  His stomach is distended and he has some lumps on his side, they are not huge but I was able to notice them. His head is starting to look too big for his body.

He is the only fish in the tank besides the baby otocinclus that I have to keep the tank clean.  Currently, he is in a 5.5 gal tank, and since he is full grown now (he was very young when I bought him), I was going to move him to my 36 gal tank, but I don't want to until I know what is wrong with him.  

My water parameters are as follows.  Ammonia: 0; Nitrite: 0; Nitrate: < 20ppm; pH: 7.5; Temp: 78 degrees; kH: 40ppm; gH: 180ppm.  Friday 2/12, was my last 20% water change.  

I have currently keep fish and melafix has usually helped with most ailments I have come across.  I have been giving this for 3 days not and have seen very little improvement. I don't think he has ick, but it might be a parasite.  I don't know what is the best med for him.  The only parasite med I've seen is the kind where he has to eat it.  If he is not eating, I don't know how to medicate him.  I also don't know if a parasite is the issue. Can you help me.  I love him so much. I have never not been able to fix a fish illness.  I am at a loss on how to help him.

ANSWER: Hi Rachelle,
This sounds very much like Swim Bladder Disease.  This disease is caused by overfeeding, and poor diet.  The fish gets constipated, which often goes unnoticed, which leads to Swim Bladder Disease, and if left untreated it will lead to Dropsy.  Since he is not eating you must try to cure him with an antibiotic.  "Kanamycin" is very good for SBD, but sometimes difficult to find.  If you cannot find it, buy "Tetracycline."  Follow the directions of the package, and be careful not to overdose.  Treat him for 6 days, making sure your water is always clean. If he starts to eat, feed him one cooked frozen pea cut into little pieces, so he can clean out his system. Feed him nothing else for one day.  He should have one pea a week if he recovers.  I hope this will help, and that the little guy gets better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I only feed him twice a day three times a week with flakes two days out of the week and blood worms once a week. Could he be eating the little algea crips that I give my oto?  I figured that he wouldn't eat them since they weren't a part of his natural diet.  If he is eating them, how do I stop him from doing this?

Yes he could be eating the little algae pellets.  It would be very difficult to stop him from doing this once he is better. The only way to stop him from eating this, would be to put your oto in the other tank, if this is possible.  It is impossible to stop a fish from eating.  The best way to feed him would be to feed him 2-3 times a day in small amounts.  Two flakes or two pellets for one meal.  One day a week feed him the pea, and nothing else for the rest of that day.  Fish need small meals, and never big ones.  We must always remember that their tummy is the size of their eye while feeding them.  Giving a fish big meals, is not good for them, and this might be the case.  If you fed him lots one day, and nothing the next, he will get sick.  If he gets small meals everyday, he might stop eating the oto's food, but I can't guarantee he will. Fish are gluttons!  Gouramis are not picky about the food they eat.  They will eat anything.  Daphnia should be part of his diet because it helps them with their digestive system.  Frozen brine shrimp occasionally is also good for them.
I hope he recovers, and that this will help.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have started him on the tetracycline treatment, but I can't get him to eat the pea or anything for that matter....any tips on how I can get him to eat the pea???

It is impossible to force a fish to eat.  If he is not eating, it is because he is sick.  Keep treating him, and hopefully he will eventually get better, and eat.  Swim Bladder takes time, and many fish do not get better if the disease was not caught in time.  Many fish do not eat while in medication.  Keep treating him, and we will hope that he does get better.