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Of Tiger Oscar.

23 14:44:24

Hello there. I've just bought one tiger oscar three days ago. It is 4 inches long and has bright orange pattern over black body. I put it in 15 gallon tank and usefully submerge pump and external filter. I also put fine gravel and decorate the tank with lots of driftwood in it.
Well, I am quite sceptical whether it is ok since this is the first time I try to keep an oscar. (I know that the tank will be too small for the oscar when it grows bigger, so I've planned to buy bigger tank later.)

1) I am from Malaysia which is situated on the tropical region. Is it necessary for me to install a heater?

2) I found that my oscar lie on its side frequently, and I am worried sick. What's wrong? One of my friend told me that the fish is playing dead, but I don't know which one is true.

3) I feed the oscar with freeze dried bloodworm, shrimp and tubifex and the fish receive at least 58% crude protein, 6% crude fat and 20% crude fibre. Is this sufficient?

4) My oh my! My oscar eats a lot! Is this normal?

5) I heard from someone that oscar is full of personality, but mine is waaay to shy. It doesn't want to swim around. It just stays at one very corner of the tank. Why? I really want to bond with it. Should I give it times?

6) One night when I slowly peeked at the tank, I found that the oscar pushed small driftwood and carried pebbles with its mouth. Strange. Why is that? Is it strange?

I really want to learn more about oscar, and I will be very grateful if you could give me internet source for oscar care.

Thank you very much for your expert answers.

Hi Hafez,

  It takes awhile for an oscar to feel at home.  It might even take a few weeks so please be patient. And yes, the tank is definitely too small for an adult oscar.  An adult is around 14 to 16 inches long.  

1. You might not need a heater but if it gets cold at night, then you need one.  

2. Oscars do sometimes lie on their sides so if he is doing that it doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong.

3. Your feeding sounds fine.

4. Yes, they do eat a lot and as a result they make a LOT of waste.  That means you MUST do regular partial water changes to keep your oscar healthy.  I strongly recommend that you change 25% of the water once a week, every week to keep him happy.

5. As I said above, it takes time.  Once he gets to know you, and know that you two will be together for a long time, then you will see what your friend means.  An oscar can easily recognize one person from another.

6. Oscars, like all cichlids, like to dig and rearrange the stuff in their tank.  This is perfectly normal and a good sign.  It means that he is starting to feel at home a little.

-- Ron
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