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Male betta not eating

23 11:55:14

It's been four days since I bought him. When I came home from buying him I noticed my ten gallon tank had fish with ick. So, I had to put him in a gallon tank. He wasn't eating after three days though and seemed to be getting weaker. So, I moved him to my mom's twenty gallon tank. He's having trouble swimming now and still isn't eating. What is wrong? Both tanks have a heater and filter.

Hi Tiffany,
try some live or frozen brine shrimp. There could be many things that are wrong.
for example, i got 3 new discus yesterday and they were hiding and not eating. this was from travel stress. your betta could also have a fungus parasite or virus from the pet store.

Could you tell me more symptoms?
Best of Luck.