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Sick Winston

23 15:08:14

Hi Chris,

I have a sick Betta.  He got constipated about 2 weeks ago!  His swelling has dropped quite a bit in the last week and he's more swimmy again but his fins are all still sticking out and he's still not really eating.  I've been only giving him a  little to eat each day and about 10 days ago I gave him a cooked pea - which he didn't eat.

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!

Hi Julia;

Do his scales stick out at all (pinecone-like)?
How old is he?

Make plenty of water changes and keep his water temperature up to 82 all day and all night. Offer only peas and no regular food until his belly is more normal. Also add a tiny pinch of epsom salts to his tank water. It is a laxative. Let me know about the questions I asked as soon as you can........

Chris Robbins