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Hi, Chris,My red beta is looking...

23 15:03:21

Hi, Chris,My red beta is looking ill. I have had him 2 1/2 years in a five gallon tank with waterfall type filter which I change every 6-8 weeks. There is also an albino catfish and four orange (sorry, don't remember kind) tetra. He chased them at first then settled down.

Beta is bright red normally but he has developed tan blotches on his face and is staying at the bottom of the tank in one spot. He doesn't eat often (he used to be a big eater) and lurches to the side diagonally. Also his fins seem to have gotten shorter, though not ragged. I feed the tetra vegtable flakes which Beta likes. I add a few grains of bloodworm but can't tell if he's eating it. Please advise.
Thanks for your time. Paula

Hi Paula;

I'm so sorry to have to say it, but your little friend is very old now and I think it is just "his time". Bettas live to be 2 to 3 years old and are already a year or so old when we buy them in the stores. This would make him at least 3 years old. He has lived a very long and healthy life with you and you have done an excellent job caring for him. There just isn't anything you can really do except make more frequent water changes to help him feel more comfortable for awhile. (All tanks should have 25% changes every week anyway).

I wish I had better news.... again, I'm so sorry.......

Chris Robbins