Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta eating his own tail

Betta eating his own tail

23 11:22:43

My male betta is eating is own tail. What do i need to do? (i feed him really well with Betta Bites every other day and blood-worms also every other day. and once a week i feed him a pea.)

1 Nano filter
1 small heater
some floating plant
temp: 78F
nitrate & Nitrite:0
No gravel

ANSWER: Hi Jason,
It could be that he sees his own reflection on something in your tank.  Seeing as he has no gravel, he may be able to see his reflection.  Adding gravel may help.  He should have a silk, or real plant that he can rest on, and a toy that he can go through.  It could also be stress, and it can stem back to when he was shipped.  Bettas that are shipped, are in very little water, which may cause him to bite his tail.  
He should be fed, 2-3 times a day in small amounts.  Two pellets, or two flakes for one meal.  He should also have one frozen cooked pea a week with the outer layer removed, and cut into tiny pieces.  On the day you choose to feed him the pea, feed him nothing else, so that he can clean out his system.  Feed him the pieces one at a time, making sure he eats them, and that they do not fall to the bottom of the tank.  Bettas are prone to Swim Bladder Disease, and one pea a week will prevent it.  He should also have a varied diet.  Betta pellets, Betta flakes, Plankton flakes, bloodworms, now, and then as a treat, Daphnia, (Daphnia is very important as it will help him clean out his system) Glassworms, Mealworms, and Frozen brine shrimp.  The more you vary, the healthier he will be.  Always remember that his tummy is the size of his eye.  Small meals, and never big meals.  It is best to feed him more often, than to feed him every other day.  
Bring his temperature up slowly to 80 degrees.
Keep his water very clean, add diluted aquarium salt to his water.  Salt helps with stress, and parasites.  (1 teaspoon to 5 gallons of water.)
I hope this will help the little guy.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Can i put some Melafix in the tank for my male betta because on the bottle it said that Melafix can rapidly repairs damaged fins on very sentitive fishes?
Thank you!!! :)

If you use Melafix, use half the dosage, as a full dose could kill your pet.  Melafix is too strong for bettas, so half the dosage would be okay.  Bettafix is the same as Melafix, but made for bettas.  It has the same ingredients but is less strong.  You may use Melafix, half dosage, and watch your betta carefully.  If you see that he is not doing well in this medication, discontinue use.