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puffers and green scat

23 14:44:54

i have two green spotted puffers and a green scat together in a tank, it is a brackish tank. one of the puffers seems fine, but the other one doesn't move much , doesn't seem to eat,belly turns grey and he curls up at the bottom of the tank sometimes. do you know whats going on? and will the green scat be able to survive with puffers?? thank you sooo much as you have always been very helpful.thanks again....Codell

Hi Codell,
  Puffers often aren't very social animals and they can be very tough on each other (and other fish).  Is it possible that the one puffer is picking on the other one?   

  The scat will only survive if he is larger and faster than the puffers.  Like I said, puffers can be very hard on other fish.  Most often they start by chewing the fins off of other fish so keep an eye out for that.

-- Ron
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