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Tank mold

23 15:07:23

I have a 10 gallon tank that has been set up for over a year.  There are 2 large angel fish and 1 sucker fish in it.  I have a whisper filter, and I absolutely cannot keep the tank from green slime.  The gravel gets covered with green slime and the plants look like they are aliens!  I vacuum it regularly and change the filters monthly.  Please help!

Hi Barbi;

It's actually algae that is growing from all the waste those fish are making. They're pretty big for a ten gallon tank. If you were to graduate to a 20 or 30 gallon tank it would be easier to keep the dissolved organics under control that grows it so well. Be sure you make 25% water changes while vacuuming the gravel once a week and don't overfeed. Overfeeding is a pretty common cause too.

Another option is to keep the lights off more during the day. Green algae really loves light.

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Chris Robbins

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