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Is my beta Ok?

23 14:37:14

My beta just sits still a lot and just floats around.Somteimes it is even on the bottom of the tank just sitting there.I do not know what to do?

Firstly, consider the space he has. They need at least 25 litres of water to be happy, preferably more if possible. They like warmer water, around 30 Degrees celcius.
Give her/him some plants and things to just generally prevent her from getting bored.
If s/he is still lazy, check her all over for any scrapes, lumps or bumps or rapid breathing or gill movement. If you find anything come and explain the symptoms to me or another expert and I will try to ID it for you and tell you what do do.
If you don't find anything, give her a varied diet of bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia, as well as his/her normal food.
Make sure the filter is not causing a lot of water movement as Bettas do not like rapid waters If it does have quite a strong current try placing a large rock in front of it or position the filter so it is blowing against a wall of the tank.

I hope he is ok and is less lazy.

Best wishes,