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white spots on my fish

23 14:11:00

well i have just cleaned my tank 6 days ago and i got rid of my very large plucko and traded him 4 a new and smaller one from the pet store, along with 3 glow light tetras, 2 black tetran's and now after 6 days they all have white spots and I'm very concerned because after operating a tank for  two years this is the first disease i have ever had. and it appears the more i look at my tank the more i see and now i notice a foam on the top of the

What size tank is it? I hope you have the appropriate size for that many fish. White spots on your fish is normally Ich, a parasite which can be brought in by new plants, fish, and other living things. Sometimes it also comes about from poor water quality. You should be doing water changes once a week, and add some aquarium salt. You can help to get rid of the Ich by using some anti-parasitic medicine. Mardel is a good brand. You may also want to slowly raise the temperature in your tank by a few degrees, since warmer water tends to make ich fall off and die.