Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > MY FISH HAVE LITTLE WHITE SPOTS.


23 15:06:37

i was reading on the internet that my fish like having salt in their tank.  So I went to the my local pet store and asked what kind of salt and how much to add.  The lady working told me just to take my salt shacker and sprinkle over the top of the tank.  Now my fish look like the salt has stuck to them. Is this normal or did the salt make them sick?

Hi, your fish have a disese called ich to heal your fish you must buy ich medication to heal them before it may be too late.You may purchase ich medication at any local pet store or even at wal mart for less than 6$.Before you do this look at your fish and please tell me if it is actually salt you see on the fish or more like something wich actually looks like salt but is not, please anwser this befor anything.THANKS!