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Bala shark - stress

23 11:43:39

I think I overcleaned my 40 gall. tank. Fostered out my angel fish then did my usual gravel clean. But this time I put new rock and plant - took out old one. My tap water was apprently low ph.
That night the bala who now is about 12" long was behaving erratic in tank...spinning like a tornado then went belly up. Scarred me half to death. He was still breathing and I tested water and brought ph up with baking soda. He's still alive but stays low and not eating. This is the next day now and still now eating. Will this take time for him. Is there something else I can do for him?

Hi Denise,
  It does sound like he was "shocked".  If he survives it, time will help.  In the future, change less water at one time.  I recommend 25%, once a week.

-- Ron
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