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first betta fish ever

23 14:28:28

I recently purchased a betta from petco this week. He seems to be pretty happy in a 1.5 gallon tank. He's blowing bubbles and swimming around. My only issue is, I was wondering if there is any food besides frozen bloodworms that he might take a liking to and eat on the regular. I got him two different kinds of betta pellets which he won't even give the time of day to. The only thing he will eat right now is freeze dried blood worms. I'm glad he's eating them but have heard those should really only be given as a treat. any suggestions on other foods to try with him? i just don't want him too spoiled.

one other thing...if i put him in a 5 gallon tank with filter and slight you think he'd get along with a cory catfish or is there a method to introducing them into a tank together. i have just heard they can be tankmates but he seems really into flaring at inanimate objects in his tank. i was hoping that doesn't mean he's overly aggressive and would pick on a catfish.

I have had my Bettas for 2 -3 years each now, and I feed them bloodworms only. However, if you wanted to give them more of a variety you could also try brine shrimp and see if he likes those.

Your Betta will live longer and healthier if you keep him in the 5 gal tank. Anything less, and over the years, they can begin to suffer muscles deterioration (like a human who is bedridden). If your Cory Catfish isn't a bright color (such as the neon orange variety) your Betta should get along with him fairly well. I suggest moving your Betta into the 5 gal along with the catfish - and watching them both VERY closely to see how they get along.