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My Beta has a huge lump

23 15:02:41

I have had my beta for about a year and I noticed that he started to get a lump on his right side by the fin. He is about 3 inches long and his lump has progressively larger and now it is about a quarter of his size. He is still happy and eating but for the last week he sits in the water pointing up with his mouth at the surface. Do you have any suggestions on what the lump is and why he is at the surface?

Hi Joanne;

It could be a cyst or more likely a tumor. It may be cancerous and has spread, and/or it is obstructing his breathing. Poor little guy. You could try an antibiotic for fish called "Maracyn 2". It absorbs inside the fish where infection could be. Other meds treat the outside the fish and can't work for this kind of thing. However, if it is a tumor and not an infection it probably won't help. There really isn't much else you can do. I'm sorry about that. I wish I had better news.

He is old now so he won't be able to fight off infection and other diseases very well. Bettas live to be 2 to 3 years old usually and are already a year old or so when we buy them in the store. Keep him as warm as possible and change his water frequently to help his immune system as much as possible.

Hoping for a quick resolution one way or the other.......

Chris Robbins