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danio aggression

23 15:08:12

I am a new aquarium enthusiast (3 mo)with an Eclipse 12 tank with BioWheel filtration.
I have 2 zebra danios, 1 pearl danio and 6 neon tetras.  The pearl danio has attacked the smaller of the 2 zebras, and I am treating it with Melafix, and have isolated the pearl danio in a jar.  What should I do about the pearl?

Hi Valerie;

I would take him back to the store and get another zebra instead. They will probably school together more socially. Some particular danios are just jerks, and I have found leopards and pearls to sometimes be more nippy than zebras.

Keep up the good work treating the injured one. Melafix is a great product for torn fins and injured skin. Keep the water clean in the 'hospital jar'. That will help him recover faster too. Maybe change 50% of the water daily.

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Chris Robbins

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