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help me if you can plz

23 11:44:07

hi i have a small guppy tank with fry in a breeding tank but i just noticed one of the female guppy has big white patch, like no scales on it and the other female eats on it some times, also the other female guppy which breed the fry has white spots, the fry are just 4 days old and are very little, well my question is can i treat the tank with the medicine containing silver proteinate for the white patch and malachite green,acriflavine,quinine sulphate for white spot with out killing the baby fry please help, will the fry so small get white spot as well? thank for reading if you can answer my question that would be great

Hi Kop,
Check your water to make sure it is free of ammonia, and nitrites.  They should be zero, or safe.
Do a water change, and use "Quick Cure"  Use this medication for 2 a water change, and use it again for another 2 days.  They should look better.  Wait one week, do another water change, and treat for 2 more days.  Always siphon your water from the bottom.  
 Do not wait, as ich spreads quickly.  "Quick Cure" is also good for fungus.
I hope they all pull through.