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Are they mating or fighting?

23 14:52:49

Thank you for the info.  Now unfortunately the fish I thought was the male is laying upside down still breathing in the bottom of the tank.  I have isolated the agressor who I think is pregnant in her own tank.  I have also put tea tree oil and non iodized salt in the other tank is there anything else I should do?  All the other fish are fine.

Followup To

Question -
I have 5 African cichlids, who have been in the same 35 gallon tank together for almost a year with no problems what so ever.  About a week ago I noticed my biggest fish wasn't moving very much and laying at a 45 degree angle.  A couple days later I noticed his tail and anal fin were pretty bit up.  I removed him from the tank fearing that my most agressive fish attacked him.  I called my local pet store and they told me to put him back.  I now have noticed that another fish is not eating, and has cleared a big spot in the rocks down to the glass and will not leave my big fish alone.  I know they swallow their eggs but that's about it.  I don't know if this is mating or fighting and I don't want any fish to die.  What is going on and what should I do?  If there are babies born what's the next step?  Thank you in advanced for your help.

Answer -
Hi Jama,
 It sounds like the fighting associated with mating.  Basically, some of your fish have decided to spawn and so are clearing out the other fish.  You will have to keep a close eye on things or some of your fish will get killed unfortunately.

Probably the best thing you can do is to make sure that there are LOTS, and I mean LOTS of hiding places in the tank for weaker fish or fish not interested in spawning.   Not just one or two spots, but a dozen spots would be more like it.  

Having so many hiding spots will also help if they do produce babies because that will give the babies a place to hide.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

Hi Jama,
 Unfortunately, once they are lying upside down the odds of survival are not good.  

 The hardest part about cichlid keeping is watching out for those early signs of aggression and separating fish that are fighting too much.  It's not easy because sometimes the fights can go from nothing to fatal in just a matter of hours.

-- Ron
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